Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thing 18, Week 8

Zoho is pretty cool. It will take me a bit to get used to, but I can see it would be a great tool for teachers to use with students. They could add comments easily, view papers online and communicate with students very easily without having to use email.


Ann said...

have you compared it to Google Docs? I know I played with ZOHO a while back and for some reason I like GDocs better but for the life of me I can't get my old brain cells to remember why.


Jill said...

I too think that Zoho Writer could be a good tool for teachers to use with their students and make it easy for them to comment on student work and post information for students to work on. I found it pretty easy to use. I like google docs as well but have only used it on a limited basis. It would be interesting to see how a class would use the Zoho Writer.