Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chapter 7

Online Safety and Security - huge issues.

The more I learn about this issue, the more I can understand how some people want to just walk away from computers all together. All of our information is out there and the "bad guys" are figuring out what to do with it all. In otherwords, there are those out there who have way more information about all of us and are in the process of figuring out how to use it. Meanwhile, the "good guys" are trying to figure out how to prevent that. Just who the "bad" guys/gals and the "good" guys/gals are is also unclear. Does that give you confidence???? Of course not.

The bottom line is be aware what you put online. It's not really private, even when it says it is.

Look-both-ways.com Excellent resource for all of this.

An interesting comment in the chapter is about responsibility and children. Parents think schools are responsible for teaching this and schools think parents should be more responsible. The answer is, we all have to have a go at it. The more we can help parents, the more we help the kids.

I was also interested in the idea that we need to revisit our AUPs and to add a code of ethics. I found the suggested code to be wordy and lofty, but I like the idea.

Be safe....

1 comment:

Ann said...

The balance between safety and education is a delicate one. I also am starting to believe that students MUST take part of the safety responsibility on themselves. We aren't teaching them anything by just blocking everything that might be a problem.
