Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing 16, Week7

Wiki's are great and they are the one thing I actually knew about before this class. My webmaster for my library site at Hanshew is moving on to high school so I will need to take over again. I have been watching Faith's pages at East and decided that was the way to go.

As far as the pages I looked at for the purposes of this class, my fav. is the teacherlibrarianwiki (Joyce Valenza). What I like about it is it's simple front page without a ton of text that you have to search through before you feel welcome. I think the picture adds another element of comfort. Silly, isn't it? She's got all the information you need to add/edit a page. If you scroll down you get right to the meat of the wiki. I like it. The PBwiki site also looks very, very helpful. Oddly, the library best practice one was busy, the introduction was long and I was as excited about that one. I think visual appeal counts and ease of use. (I learned that in the last "thing" and I agree.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I agree that visual appeal is critical especially in grabbing kids.

Faith's wiki is FABULOUS :-) and she certainly makes it relevant to her kids and her teachers. Good luck with that project.
