Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing 20, Week 9

I've been playing with Youtube this summer quite a bit because we've been taking short videos and posting them for family to see. Here's one of Aunt Books (Suzanne M) sliding down Flattop earlier in the summer. (This one is added as a link - the next is embedded)

Here's another one I found about school libraries.

Teachertube was having trouble loading so I played on Youtube. It's addicting and fun. Kids LOVE it and I know it's blocked. Bandwidth and wasting time are both issues.

Things I love about both Teachertube and YOutube - excellent graphics, easy to find options (post, share, comment, etc) The coolest thing is that you can add comments. This makes them interactive (a key component of web 2.0 stuff) The viewer is active, not passive. All of these things would liven up our websites!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Just like all of these collaborative tools, the videos are good, ok, bad and ugly but the good ones are so worth while and they WILL engage staff and kids which is what we need.
