Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing 21 (Week 9)

I don't think I've mastered the podcasts world yet. I have a PC without iTunes (for the moment) and ran into some glitches. I really wanted to look at the TechSavvyGirlz site, but I kept getting hung up with the Dell. I will try it on a MAC or a PC in better shape the next chance I get. I did manage to subscribe to the Library of Congress webcasts and there were some interesting stories. I also downloaded an aggregate called WinPodder and Subscribed to Coffee Break Spanish through that site. It's done by someone with an Irish accent - interesting.

If I had to give myself a grade on this thing _ I'd say a "C". I think I'll have to rely on my cohorts to direct me to some good podcasts. :)

1 comment:

Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

For me, podcasts are an acquired taste. It is one of those things where you have a lot of dross to go through to get to the gold. But, I think as a way to empower kids, they are very powerful.
